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Almost all patients in plastic surgery clinics are photographed


  By Jeff Lakie

  The plastic surgery pictures usually come in pairs.

  One shot is taken before the operation, the other -

  after it. You can see them almost at every plastic

  surgery website and finding them is not a problem.

  Trouble begins when you want to use them to

  make up your mind about the results of the plastic

  surgery you want to have.

  Which plastic surgery pictures are the good


  It is very easy to retouch these pictures. And I&PP Plastic Hangers39;m

  not talking only about using Adobe Photoshop -

  such plain dishonesty won't work in the long run.

  But plastic surgery pictures can be taken in such

  way that they will hide more than they will show.

  Look only for the pictures that have the qualities

  described below:

  (1) There should be several plastic surgery pictures

  of one patient. They should be taken from different

  angles to give you better view of what actually has


  (2) The patient should not wear any makeup. It is

  quite common to take before shots when

  patients don't wear any makeup and after shots -

  when they wear it. Such plastic surgery pictures

  are almost useless.

  (3) The lighting should be similar in both before

  and after pictures. Playing with # lighting can

  change things in the plastic surgery pictures just

  as good as the Acrobat Photoshop.

  How can we actually use them?

  The first usage is quite obvious: we use plastic

  surgery pictures to see what we can expect from,

  for example, breast augmentation. But there is

  also one more way we can use them. You simply

  HAVE TO see the plastic surgery pictures of you

  prospect doctor's patients. Almost all patients in

  plastic surgery clinics are photographed, so all the

  photos should be available at the clinic. If they

  refuse to show them or if they don't match the

  good plastic surgery pictures description (see

  above), you'd better reconsider your decision. Even

  if they aren't the effects of doctor's dishonesty,

  they tell about sloppiness of the clinic's work. If

  they can't take the proper pictures, how can they

  perform the serious and delicate surgery?